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The Sneak Peek into Vietnam Plywood by Vinawood

Vietnam Plywood by Vinawood


Vinawood has been the crucial distributor and producer of commercial Vietnam plywood, film formwork, office furniture, and MDO family since 1992. Moreover, it is a famous firm exporting plywood Vietnam to Canada, South Korea, European Union, and the United Arab Emirates. Along with that, it is successfully expanding the export zone globally.

Over the past thirty years, Vietnam Plywood exporters have been bringing sustainable development, high-quality products, and consistent quality. Vietnam plywood strives to become a global plywood distributor with customer service, certification, and credit terms.

However, Vinawood promises to bring the best quality product at competitive plywood prices. Also, it achieves the best level of customer satisfaction. The company is one of the leading plywood exporters from Vietnam, a professional manufacturer with contributing 4.7% increase in annual export globally in 2018.

Vietnam Plywood Supplier

The world’s biggest raw wood market exists in Vietnam. However, the popularity is for importing wooden and plywood locally and internationally. On-demand and on-time delivery of Plywood from Vietnam increases the purchase.

Vietnam Plywood Supplier
Vietnam Plywood Supplier

Export fraud, including unforeseen tariffs, national rules and regulations, and customs clearance, exacerbates the situation globally and puts the wood product exports at risk. However, the United States eventually conducted an anti-tax evasion policy to import Plywood from Vietnam.

This measure suddenly surged the total export volume to 12%, accounting for 0.56 million cubic meters. The United States hit the milestone by rising 86% of export capacity compared to 2018. The endless efforts of the plywood exports expand the market in the United States than before.

Future development in Plywood Vietnam

The aspects of plywood worldwide, including commercial and residential activities, increase the demand and participate in a significant rise of imports from Vietnam. It is famous for being the best supplier of raw plywood. The future forecast of Vietnam plywood comes with a series of challenges and opportunities.

Plywood Vietnam
Plywood Vietnam

Some Important Statistics

The growth of plywood market has been expanding. According to recent statistics, 72 countries and territories have been using Vietnam plywood. However, five are significant exporters, including the United States, Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Malaysia. These countries altogether contribute to 84% of the total export turnover of Plywood from Vietnam to the global market in 2020.

The forecast period says Europe will be the next plywood market with 68% market growth by 2025.

Malaysia imported 231,710 cubic meters of Plywood from Vietnam, carrying 62.81 million dollars in 2020, which nearly increased the 29% export volume and 21% overall expansion of the market compared to 2019.

The market of Japan exists in 4th place, having 170,200 cubic meters of imported plywood, and Vietnam carried an export volume of 43.24 million dollars from Japan. Japan will tend to increase the 5% export volume by 2025 compared to 2019 and 8% of Vietnam plywood export by Japan.

According to ITC reports, plywood continues to increase each year. The world spends nearly 16-17 billion dollars on average for importing plywood items, contributing to 32-34 million cubic meters of total import volume. Vietnam is among five of the top plywood supplying countries: China, Russia, Malaysia, and Indonesia. China is the largest exporter of plywood which shares 30% of the world’s market share.

However, the value and volume of Plywood export from China were reduced to 10% in 2020, decreasing from 5.4 million cubic meters to 5 million cubic meters.

Along with the increasing demand for plywood consumption globally, Vinawood is using environmentally friendly (recyclable) materials in manufacturing.

Pricing of Plywood

The leading manufacturer of Vietnam has been the most economical plywood for a long. Though the price of the plywood is in square feet, prices are varied and decided by the thickness and type. The quality and grade have sharply affected the cost of plywood. The plywood purchase is economical since they are produced to accurate dimensions as per the given requirement by the manufacturer.

Pricing of Plywood
Pricing of Plywood

Easy charts are available on the website for the customers’ convenience to check the quality, test the plywood and estimate the plywood price. They offer the after-sale services of redesigning the element if the size does not fit.

Presenting the World’s best 5 Formwork Plywood

Vinawood manufactures formwork Plywood usually categorizes every plywood used for formwork. These are varied from Concrete Panel Plywood, Film Faced Plywood, 3 Layer Board, Veneer Plywood, Plastic Plywood, MDO Plywood, etc.

Film Faced Plywood has been one of the popular options in the formwork plywood type. Film Face Plywood has an extreme demand in Europe, Asia, and Russia. Also, the Concrete Panel plywood is produced and supplied from Vietnam. So, it is applicable in areas that don’t require a concrete surface and economical plywood.

Leading worldwide manufacturer of Film Faced Vietnam Plywood, Vinawood promises to ensure high-quality products at affordable prices.

Concrete Panel quality varies from well-bonded to very low water-resistant plywood. MDO Plywood is just like Film Face plywood; however, it comes with a coating of an extraordinary density of layers of MDO. Thus, offering a matte effect to fair-faced concrete.

Plywood Formwork
Plywood Formwork

This type of plywood is popular in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Plastic plywood is more like Film Face Plywood, with the only difference being that it has a lamination with polypropylene and plastic surface. It gives absolute waterproof features which increase the life span of plastic plywood.

The Bottom Line

Vinawood has advocated continual revolution by improving the quality of products that benefit the consumers. The purpose behind every variant of plywood production is to fulfill the consumers’ demand. With the experience of larger scale wood manufacturing, plywood supplier from Vietnam gets the privilege to become the leading global supplier with customer satisfaction.

Initially serving United States, Japan, and Europe markets, now additionally have taken positions in other developing countries with absolutely high-quality products.

Vinawood practices environment-friendly measures while manufacturing plywood and selling affordable products without compromising the consistency of delivery. Layer Board panels are manufactured by placing smaller wood planks and gluing them together, which is seen easily from sites by the pale surface.