Laminated Veneer Lumber is an energy-efficient wood product with numerous uses in the building industry. Its high weight to strength ratio makes it an excellent replacement for steel. It is a substitute for steel, but it can also be used instead of conventional hardwoods. LVL constitutes valuable properties that we are going to discuss below.
This article explains all the reasons why Laminated Veneer Lumber is the best choice for your next construction project.
Manufacture of LVL
First, the suitable timber is chosen from the forest and harvested. Then, the debarking process separates the veneer from a log. The end product of this step is thin sheets of veneers. Then, the sheets are treated and put together using adhesive.
The Difference Between Conventional Lumber and LVL?
The typical lumber is nothing but solid sawn timber. On the other hand, Laminated Veneer Lumber is layers of thin veneers attached one on the another with the help of an adhesive. The grains of veneer sheets are either parallel to each other or cross-banded.
The unique thing about Laminated Veneer Lumber is that it constitutes multiple veneer sheets, known as billets. The number of sheets in one LVL depends on the required thickness and width of the final product. They are made in various sizes, from a few mm to 100mm or more.

The manufacturing and engineering involved in the making of LVL enhance the structural features of the timber to a great extent. Out of all the timber products available in the market. You should always choose Laminated Veneer Lumber. Why?
Advantages of Laminated Veneer Lumber
Let us explore the advantages of using this lumber below!
1- Strength
If we compare LVL to steel, the LVL stands firmer. Thanks to its 20% greater weight to strength ratio. The reason behind this stat is the unique manufacturing and engineering process involved in the LVL preparation. So, why deal with the problematic steel when you can get something easier to deal with, offering you more strength?
2- Weight
As compared to hardwood and steel, LVL is relatively lightweight. As a result, it is easy to carry around and work with. It does not even need mechanical lifting if it is smaller in size. So, your construction project can go as smoothly as possible.
> Read more: Laminate Flooring: Everything You Need to Know
3- Smoothness
The foremost fact about LVL that makes its workability extremely easy is the smoothness. Yes, it is flat and well-polished on the surface. It would not hurt the hands carrying it, not even at the edges part.
4- Variable Sizes
One of the greatest benefits of Laminated Veneer Lumber is that it can be molded and cut into whatever desired thickness and size. Laminated Veneer Lumber is available in various sizes, thicknesses, widths, and designs.
The variety is what makes it appropriate for building projects. You can choose the suitable size for whatever you want to use the LVL. The most common thickness of billets is 30mm – 60mm, and length up to 12mm.
5- Better Control
The central portion of work in the building projects is cutting and connecting. The best thing about LVL is that it can be sawn and linked easily. This is not the case with steel, which requires a difficult welding process.
The builders can control the LVL precisely. This lumber does not even create a lot of mess in the room.
6- One of the Most Environment-Friendly Materials Available
Before LVL got attention, steel was ordinary. Most of the developers are still unable to shift to LVL, but probably they are not aware of the disadvantages of steel. If you are one of such contractors, know that 40% of the total global carbon emission is by steel. Since it is made using non-renewable and irreplaceable ingredients such as oil, gas, and iron.
On the other hand, LVL is made using a renewable natural product: wood. It is already environmentally friendly. AFTER CUTTING THE PREVIOUS ONES, some LVL production houses plant new trees to ensure further environmental safety.
Furthermore, sustainably sourced timber is not only renewable but also biodegradable as well as recyclable. LVL’s manufacturing process of energy-efficient.
7- Resistance Properties
The resisting property of LVL makes it a suitable building material for walls, floors, roofs, and other parts of the exterior side. It can resist water, fire, and other external elements.
8- Handling and Storage
To ensure the absolute safety of LVL, it should be kept in a dry environment. Especially the exposed parts such as edges need extra care. It should be positioned flat and off the ground.
Though it is strong and durable enough to endure extreme conditions, the long-term constant exposure can damage it reasonably. A protective coating or other kinds of preservative treatment will be enough.
9- Versatility
Laminated Veneer Lumber has several uses in floor framing, roof assembling, wall paneling, and other tasks involved in building projects. Its potent properties and features play a vital role in house construction projects, renovation, shipbuilding, furniture making, and many others.

LVL offers high reliability because it constitutes the same features as large-sized timbers do. Besides being used individually, a blend of LVL and glue lam is also ubiquitous in the construction industry.
Though LVL has numerous uses in residential building projects, it is unsuitable for load-bearing items. The reason is that since it has adhesive as an internal component, the chemicals do not penetrate inside. As a result, it starts to rot from the inside.
Any vehicles/items made to carry heavy loads should not have LVL as a part of their making.
Laminated Veneer Lumber is one of the most famous products in the wood industry. When it was made standard, developers instantly stopped using steel and hardwood and chose it.
The strength, durability, and fire-resisting properties of LVL make it an appropriate choice for building projects.