Concrete forming plywood
Furniture is an indispensable item in your home, and it has a significant impact on our daily routine. We use a large amount of time a day with furniture for every task we do everyday, such as sleeping, eating, working and relaxing. Therefore, choosing the right plywood for furniture is crucial to have durable, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing furniture pieces that can meet our demand and preferences. Concrete forming plywood, which is a good choice for many construction and a popular term for many builders. In this article, we will find out many secrets about concrete forming plywood, delve into what makes concrete forming plywood unique, its various types, and why it’s a critical component in modern construction.

What plywood is used for forming?

The type of plywood used for concrete forming, commonly referred to as formwork plywood, is specially designed to withstand the pressures and conditions associated with concrete pouring and setting. Here are the main types of plywood used for forming:

1. HDO (High-Density Overlay)

  • Description: HDO plywood has a resin-impregnated surface that provides superior durability and a smooth finish. It is highly resistant to water and wear.
  • Usage: It is used in applications where the concrete surface finish is crucial, such as in architectural concrete and exposed surfaces.

2. MDO (Medium-Density Overlay)

  • Description: MDO plywood is similar to HDO but has a medium-density overlay. It is also durable and provides a good surface finish but is generally more cost-effective.
  • Usage: Suitable for a wide range of construction projects, offering a balance between quality and cost.

> Discover more: furniture grade plywood, plywood underlayment, shuttering plywood, concrete forming plywood

3. FFP (Film-Faced Plywood)

  • Description: Film-faced plywood is coated with a waterproof film on both sides, enhancing its durability and making it suitable for repeated use.
  • Usage: Commonly used in large-scale construction projects due to its reusability and excellent surface finish.

4. BBOES (B-grade, B-grade, Overlay, Exposure 1, Struct 1)

  • Description: BBOES plywood features a high-quality finish with a smooth overlay, making it suitable for producing a good surface finish on concrete.
  • Usage: This type is ideal for projects where a fine concrete surface is required.
BBOES plywood
BBOES plywood

5. BB Plyform

  • Description: BB Plyform is a type of plywood specifically manufactured for concrete formwork. It is made with high-quality veneers and a durable resin-impregnated surface.
  • Usage: It provides a smooth finish and is used in applications where the appearance of the concrete surface is important.

6. Marine Plywood

  • Description: While not specifically designed for concrete forming, marine plywood is sometimes used due to its high resistance to moisture and strong structural properties.
  • Usage: Suitable for formwork in environments where high moisture levels are expected.

What is concrete forming plywood?

Concrete forming plywood, often simply referred to as formwork plywood, is a specialized type of plywood designed specifically for the construction industry. This material is essential for creating molds or forms into which concrete is poured and set. Understanding Concrete Forming Plywood

Concrete forming plywood is engineered to withstand the harsh conditions associated with concrete pouring and setting. Unlike regular plywood, it has several distinct features:

Durability and Strength

Concrete forming plywood is designed to be exceptionally durable and strong. It can withstand the immense pressure exerted by wet concrete without warping or bending. This strength is crucial for ensuring that the concrete structure retains its desired shape and dimensions.

High-Quality Surface Finish

One of the key characteristics of concrete forming plywood is its smooth and high-quality surface finish. This smooth surface is important because it directly affects the finish of the concrete once it sets. A smooth formwork surface results in a smooth concrete surface, which is often essential for both aesthetic and structural reasons.

Water and Weather Resistance

Concrete forming plywood is treated to be water and weather-resistant. Given that it is often exposed to moisture from wet concrete and outdoor conditions, this resistance ensures the plywood doesn’t degrade or delaminate over time.

What are the sizes of form ply?

Sheet Dimensions

  • 4 feet x 8 feet (1.22 meters x 2.44 meters): This is the most common size and is widely used in the construction industry for a variety of applications.
  • Other sizes: While 4×8 feet sheets are standard, other sizes such as 4×10 feet (1.22 meters x 3.05 meters) and 4×12 feet (1.22 meters x 3.66 meters) are also available for specific needs.


  • 1/2 inch (12 mm)
  • 5/8 inch (15 mm)
  • 3/4 inch (18 mm)
  • 1 inch (25 mm)

The thickness of the plywood selected often depends on the specific requirements of the project, including the pressure of the concrete and the size of the forms being created.

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Custom Sizes

For specialized projects, custom sizes can be manufactured. These custom dimensions can better suit unique structural requirements or design specifications.

What are the sizes of form ply?
What are the sizes of form ply?

Thickness Considerations

Load-Bearing Capacity

The thicker the plywood, the greater its load-bearing capacity. Thicker sheets are generally used for larger structures or when higher strength is required to support the weight and pressure of the concrete.

Surface Finish

Thicker plywood also tends to provide a smoother finish for the concrete surface, which can be critical for architectural projects where aesthetics are important.

Where to buy forming plywood

Concrete forming plywood is a vital material in the construction industry, providing the strength, durability, and smooth surface necessary for high-quality concrete structures. Whether you’re working on a small project or a large-scale development, choosing the right type of concrete forming plywood can significantly impact the efficiency and outcome of your construction efforts. Investing in high-quality plywood not only ensures a better finish but also enhances the overall sustainability and cost-effectiveness of your project.

Concrete forming plywood can be purchased from a variety of sources, including local suppliers, large home improvement stores, and specialized construction material retailers. Vinawood is a common places where you can buy concrete forming plywood and it is believable because it’s is the leading plywood store in VietNam, carrying a range of plywood types, including those specifically designed for concrete forming. They can provide personalized service and might offer delivery options

Tips for Purchasing Concrete Forming Plywood

  • Quality and Specifications: Ensure the plywood meets the required specifications for your project. Look for terms like HDO, MDO, or film-faced.
  • Reusability: Consider the reusability of the plywood if you plan to use it for multiple projects.
  • Cost vs. Value: Balance the cost with the quality and durability required for your specific project needs.
  • Local Regulations: Check if there are any local building codes or regulations regarding the type of plywood used for formwork.

> Learn more: types of wood, Types Of Plywood, marine plywood, birch plywood, MDO plywood, HDO plywood
